Friday, September 3, 2010

Today, I made the most delish Chai that I've ever made! Thanks to Michael and Lena's birthday gift of Chai tea from no where else but starbucks. The weather was so darn amazing today- I promptly went outside after making my cozy drink and enjoyed the lively morning breeze. It was as though the breeze was whispering promises of Autumn! While I was outside on the deck I began to read "Serpent of Light beyond 2012" by Drunvalo Melchizedek. It is going to be an interesting read- as it will share enlightenment on the Mayan calender. After reading a few chapters, I went back inside, opened my windows and began to start painting on a particular art piece for my mom. So, I worked on it for most of the day and then thanks to youtube, watched 7 Years in Tibet. It had been a long time since watching it, and I'm sure glad I did this evening. Lovely movie.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

You and I!
ello dear friends.

Thursday, October 22, 2009